[nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

edward potter edwardpotter at
Thu Apr 13 16:39:09 EDT 2006

Well!  A good question for sure, I just moved to upstate New York from
NYC. I'm paying less rent for a great 1 bedroom with river view then
Bangalore, and I've been doing PHP things almost 8 years. Soooooo....
pricing is hard. Really depends on your expectations. Working for
yourself is BRUTAL, but you get the benefits.

A rough range?  $35 - $75 per hour. BUT I really think  per project
pricing is the way to go. The hourly thing generally limits you. After
you spend 10 hours on a bug, it's hard to charge the client for bug
fixes on your part or homework you have to do. They are  usually not
too happy about that.

I'm sure you'll get some interesting answers from the list.

-ed  :-)

On 4/13/06, David Ngo <to_dngo at> wrote:
> Hi guys, I just moved to the NYC area and am looking
> at the market for PHP developers. What is a
> competitive salary in NYC for an object oriented PHP
> dev with 4 years of experience.
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