[nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Fri Apr 14 11:59:54 EDT 2006

If I may interject -- without anyone throwing spears my way.

I think the big question isn't "what is the going rate", it's what is
your value proposition and what do you want to be when you grow up. Pro
baseball player and astronaut do not count.

As someone who has been on this group for about a year, had a fine time
at the Zend conference, hired a 15 year old programmer, coded a lot
myself and enjoy being way to geeky if allowed, tried a few flakey
freelancers, looked at very capable, but expensive Yankees, and finally
settled on that evil word -- offshore, STOP focusing on price. You will
never, ever be able to compete on price. Do you want to be a laborer or
the master of your destiny?

Focus on value. And simply FOCUS. Look at Chris Shiflett. I actually
have no idea how or if he makes a decent living, but I would bet he is
not offering his services for $500 to build Mama's Awesome yoyo website.
By focusing on security, he has separated himself from the pack.

I have looked at hundreds of designers and programmers over the past
year. Here's the story: 50% are musicians, artists and security guards
that can amazingly program too. 45% are unfocused programmers that will
do what the customer wants. Want me to make you a web site -- sure? Want
me to whip you up a pizza -- I can do that too. Than there's the 5% that
know what their strength is. No...I'm not a graphic designer. No...I
don't do Cold fusion. Etc. I have even seen guys that ONLY focus on CSS.

If I were trying to make a living programming, I would try to find a
single area where I can be that expert -- and command a price based upon
value, not time.

Remember, there is no bar exam, no medical license, no pilot's license
(and medical test which I failed), etc. for programming and to quote a
popular book -- the world is flat.

Ok, I'll stop acting like my father and yoda and will now put on my body


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of tedd
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:37 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

>I concur.  Depending on level of expertise and skillset, I'd say rock 
>bottom is $70k, on up to $120k or more per year.

I'd give my left nut for $70k per year. Last year I was actually 
considering work from Indian (no lie).

If anyone wants to farm any of that out, please let me know.

tedd <home grown>

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