[nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

tedd tedd at
Fri Apr 14 12:29:32 EDT 2006

>i saw this too and it's pathetic that they would offer those peanuts.

Not only that, but I've seen numerous times on where 
potential employers have a long list of requirements, but won't pay 
over $10 per hour.

Over the last 60+ prospects I've submitted (where I took the 
time and personally addressed the clients needs in the proposal) I've 
had three reply: One, I spent another couple of hours of my time 
trying to convince him that the problem actually had a solution; One, 
I sent several emails asking about funding his grandiose idea, but no 
support of funding was forthcoming; And the last, I had an interview 
for $50 per hour where, after driving an hour (which is not easy for 
me), no one even attended the interview -- and this was not a small 

Outside of, which has only cost me money, I don't even want 
to address the problems I've encountered in trying to find work. In 
short, I've had terrible luck in finding work.

However, programming is what I like, and like the starving artist, 
I'll continue practicing my craft and perhaps after I'm dead, it will 
be worth something. :-)



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