[nycphp-talk] naked header

Bill Patterson patterson at
Fri Apr 14 14:57:52 EDT 2006

Thanks, but unfortunately, they only show some of the information.  I'm 
looking for the whole string, as you said. 


Craig Thomas wrote:

>On Fri, 14 Apr 2006 13:28:51 -0400
>Bill Patterson <patterson at> wrote:
>>I'm trying to find a way to, from PHP, see the entire string that is 
>>being sent by the client to the server, especially the header.  There 
>>are many ways to see things IN the header, but I am looking for a way to 
>>see the WHOLE string.  Any ideas?
>I know of a couple [built in] ways to see the headers, not sure about the whole request.
>one if you are using PHP 5:
>and one if you are using PHP >= 4.3.0 :
>$headers = apache_request_headers();
>foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
>   echo "$header: $value <br />\n";
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