[nycphp-talk] Web app security scanners

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sat Apr 15 15:12:51 EDT 2006

Foundstone has an app called WSDigger ... and a slew of others tools  
you might want to check out ...

Best bet might be to drop by your local Barnes and Noble and check  
out the resources listed on the backs of the "l33t" books ... or keep  
tabs on a site like

- Jon

On Apr 15, 2006, at 2:09 PM, Max Gribov wrote:

> Hello all,
> does anyone know of any opensource/free web app security scanner?
> Basically, I just want something (else besides me) to go through  
> all the
> GET's and POST's on my PHP site and see if XSS/sql injection/etc is
> possible.
> I certainly did an audit of my own code, but another pair of eyes,
> especially automated, would never hurt.
> Something down the lines of Nessuss only for web apps basically.
> I've seen this:, and signed up for a trial audit, but
> am wondering if there is something I can actually download.
> I havent seen anything on freshmeat or even google, most things are
> either tutorials or non-free.
> thanks!
> max
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