[nycphp-talk] introduction and first question relating to blogging software

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Apr 20 10:35:26 EDT 2006

On 4/20/06, dkov at <dkov at> wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I am new and would like to introduce myself and say that I was happy to find a NY PHP group.  I'm from the Bronx.
> I would like to ask if anyone knows what software is built on?  I want to create a site like this and have already installed software like wordpress and joomla.  I have tried customizing these to function so that users can create their own blogs. I installed the mamblog component. However, it doesn't work just like blog-city. If there is open source software that is designed to have a blog cms whose sole purpose is to host multiple user's blogs I would rather use that.
> Thanks.
> Kind regards,
> David

Blog-city looks like it's built in Java, based on the error message
the "About Us" page generates.

But that's beside the point. Really, Joomla has no virtual hosting modules?

Chris Snyder

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