[nycphp-talk] Php in the twilight zone

Iulian Manea talk at
Thu Apr 20 20:32:46 EDT 2006

Hey everybody,


For about the last 7 hours I am trying to get a script to work and I have
absolutely no more ideas of why it isn't.


I run the script in a browser, and it has to run for some time, but after
about 20 minutes it suddenly . stops . it just pukes. No there is no error,
and yes the display_errors is on.  The script just stops as if it was stoped
by someone no eror, the erver has absolutely no load, so it's not the server

I then put in the script once every 3-4 lines 

Echo __LINE__;  so I would actually know on what line it pukes. and it stops
randomly. Te funny thing is that last time I ran it, the last lines it
displayed were:

228, 234, 23  , so it just puked in THE MIDDLE of displaying 236!


Cound it be because of the browser???  Or the server would stop it??

I ran it in firefox and internet explorer.


Do any of you have any idea, because I would be imensly gratefull, at the
moment I am absolutely cluless!


Thanks a lot!!!!!


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