[nycphp-talk] Php in the twilight zone

Flavio daCosta nyphp at
Thu Apr 20 21:35:19 EDT 2006

>> I run the script in a browser, and it has to run for some time, but
>> after about 20 minutes it suddenly … stops … it just pukes.
> If I read that sentence correct, that seems like quite a long time for a
> (web) script to be running...?

Just to add as a side note, I try to keep my web facing scripts as
speedy as possible.  When there is a resource/time intense task (such as
gathering/sorting millions or rows from a db,) I almost always insert a
_request_ into a working queue, and return control to the browser as
quickly as possible.  I will then handle the request with a command line
script, and then notify the user via another method (email, web alert on
next page hit, etc.)  This method seems to blend better with the web

Once again I haven't helped you with your direct problem, but just
wanted to add some food for thought.

Ok, I will stop replying to my own post now. :-P


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