[nycphp-talk] ok, the Holy Grail? joomla?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Apr 21 13:46:25 EDT 2006

Michael Hernandez |nyphp dev/internal group use| 

>On Apr 21, 2006, at 10:48 AM, edward potter wrote:
>>Well it seems to have it all, it's been out for awhile, has an
>>interesting history. You can basically mash it up with wordpress and
>>you have 100's of extensions. all OS/php/mysql. Over 300,000 forum
>eh... it's mambo (basically) ;) I use it and enjoy using it. It's a  
>bit overkill where wordpress is enough for simple blogs, but it's  
>extensibility is great for sites with potential to get larger. I look  
>forward to seeing what joomla will offer in the next major release.

yeah, wordpress is so lightweight and unbloated... great for simple blogs.



"writing is often like driving a truck at night without headlights, losing your way along the road and spending a decade in a ditch"  -- Gay Talese

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