[nycphp-talk] OT - web marketing

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Apr 26 15:20:29 EDT 2006

aaron |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Thanks for the links I'll look over them but I don't have time to 
> manage the marketing myself. When you guys create an e-com site for 
> small business where do you send the client for marketing? 

It really depends on the niche market they want to market to... you want 
a marketer who knows the niche but not a marketer who is a competitor in 
that niche (or whose biggest clients are competitors).

If you email me a few details I might be able to refer your client to 
someone appropriate.

-=john andrews


"writing is often like driving a truck at night without headlights, losing your way along the road and spending a decade in a ditch"  -- Gay Talese

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