[nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

Dallas DeVries dallas.devries at
Thu Apr 27 00:26:42 EDT 2006

Any good framework to develop in is going to require the advanced features
of php5, there is just no way php4 can do this well.  Probably a good
argument for an enterprise web site management team.


On 4/26/06, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg <adam at> wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2006, Andrew Yochum wrote:
> > Speculation, as I don't believe its been discussed in a public forum
> > by those who make such decisions: I expect PHP 4 to be sunsetted
> > eventually, but the userbase is very large so it is hard to guess
> > how long that might be.  For reference, PHP 3 was sunsetted about 5
> > months after PHP 4 was released.  We've now seen PHP 4 be supported
> > much longer than that, but who knows how much longer.
> Based on my experience, PHP 4 will be sunsetted right around the time
> none of the core developers are still using it.
> -adam
> --
> adam at |
> author of o'reilly's "upgrading to php 5" and "php cookbook"
> avoid the holiday rush, buy your copies today!
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