[nycphp-talk] Any PHP Analysis Tools?

edward potter edwardpotter at
Fri Apr 28 12:56:32 EDT 2006

Yes, those pesky students, like the ones that started SUN, Yahoo, and
Google!  :-)

>From my experiences, students are VERY OFTEN much better at this
business then the teachers. Why? Because they have time on their
hands, professors are having a hard time catching up to the latest
technologies, they're in staff meetings most of the day.

Just my 2 cents!  -ed  :-)

PS.  In the worlds of the new MIT Media Lab guy, "ideas are now coming
from the bottom up, NO longer from the top down.".

On 4/28/06, Daniel Convissor <danielc at> wrote:
> Hi:
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 11:48:11AM -0400, edward potter wrote:
> > May I suggest you get an Intern(s)  from a local college to give you a hand?
> The likelyhood they'll properly clean up the code and resolve security
> issues is VERY low.  Wouldn't be surprised if the reason the thing is a
> "steaming pile" is the people who wrote it in the first place were
> interns.
> --Dan
> --
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