[nycphp-talk] CakePHP: what do you think?

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Aug 2 10:15:41 EDT 2006

Daniel Convissor wrote:

>Hi Kenneth:
>On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 02:49:35PM -0400, Kenneth Downs wrote:
>>An ideal would be to be able to distribute packages to
>>any PHP user via the common PEAR repository (instead of another server,
>>mine, that they'd have to go looking for) without having to buy into the
>>entire PEAR philosophy of life.
>Your desire above conflicts with Cliff's desire below:
>On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 03:47:53PM -0400, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
>>I'm not claiming to be a communist that thrives on lack of choice, but I
>>actually find this abundance of frameworks to be one of the "problems"
>>with PHP.
>This line of reasoning is why the PEAR repository isn't open to every 
>submission.  The goal is to have one pacakge for a given task and does 
>that task really well.  Of course, that's a goal and isn't always 
>achieved. :)
Well, you kind of have to see me smiling when I say this, so you get my 
expression of mild sarcasm, at which point I make a sound like a 
newscast "special announcement" jingle and say "Breaking news: 
programmers disagree on best approach, what is to become of us?"

The idea behind PEAR is to have the One True Implementation of each 
idea.  When that is possible, great.  But that tends to be only possible 
on deterministic projects where the need for judgement is greatly 
reduced.  As soon as there are two legitimate ways to do something, it 
breaks down.  I'm not arguing Pear should be changed, just that PEAR's 
limitations are built into its mission, as is true with all such projects. 

But it need not be so, much can be learned here from gentoo.


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