[nycphp-talk] Web Statistics for PHP

tedd tedd at
Fri Aug 4 14:08:03 EDT 2006

At 1:42 PM -0400 8/4/06, csnyder wrote:
>On 8/4/06, Dan Gisolfi <<mailto:gisolfi at>gisolfi at> wrote:
>Interesting data on the popularity of PHP. WebHosting Prospector 
>relies on web information extraction technologies to constantly 
>monitor over 7.4 million active web sites in North America.
>Jeepers, that's huge. Nearly twice as many php sites as asp?
>Anybody have any theories (besides, 'the language is just that good')?

Well... one sounds like a snake.  :-)

Also, there's less books to read in php -- Amazon reports 953 asp 
books while php is less than half that figure (447).

Not that this is a valid indicator in any fashion, but I used to 
notice in bookstores that the more books there were on a specific 
topic the greater the demand to understand what the heck was going 
on. When C++ first came out, there was indeed much more demand for 
understanding than there was for C.

I use to think that IT managers used to frequent book stores to 
determine in what direction they should focus their efforts. Seeing 
lot's of books on a subject meant to them that the industry was 
headed that way when in fact it was just more problematic. Sort of a 
"let's take the most difficult path" approach to things, but then 
again, I could be naive in my perspective.


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