[nycphp-talk] Web Statistics for PHP

Néstor rotsen at
Fri Aug 4 15:32:50 EDT 2006

One of the things about PHP is that allows you the need of
less books because of the documentation and the samples found on
this site.  As programmer of PERL and ASP, their documentation
online an example is not as comprehensive. makes it easier
to understand the language.

Néstor :-)

On 8/4/06, tedd <tedd at> wrote:
> At 1:42 PM -0400 8/4/06, csnyder wrote:
> >On 8/4/06, Dan Gisolfi <<mailto:gisolfi at>gisolfi at>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Interesting data on the popularity of PHP. WebHosting Prospector
> >relies on web information extraction technologies to constantly
> >monitor over 7.4 million active web sites in North America.
> >
> >
> >Jeepers, that's huge. Nearly twice as many php sites as asp?
> >
> >Anybody have any theories (besides, 'the language is just that good')?
> Well... one sounds like a snake.  :-)
> Also, there's less books to read in php -- Amazon reports 953 asp
> books while php is less than half that figure (447).
> Not that this is a valid indicator in any fashion, but I used to
> notice in bookstores that the more books there were on a specific
> topic the greater the demand to understand what the heck was going
> on. When C++ first came out, there was indeed much more demand for
> understanding than there was for C.
> I use to think that IT managers used to frequent book stores to
> determine in what direction they should focus their efforts. Seeing
> lot's of books on a subject meant to them that the industry was
> headed that way when in fact it was just more problematic. Sort of a
> "let's take the most difficult path" approach to things, but then
> again, I could be naive in my perspective.
> tedd
> --
> -------
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