[nycphp-talk] Encrypt and decrypt to store in DB - careful! (Aaron Fischer)

Bob Mariotti r.mariotti at
Sat Aug 5 11:08:09 EDT 2006

> Well, that could be even worse if you don't control the server and those 
> who do have no accountability for what you do on that server.

As this is becoming such a big deal (not only in your environment) has 
your department considered housing YOUR OWN server as a database storage 
site.  Even if your web code runs on the IT department's "shared" web 
server you certanly could easily code your programs to store and 
retrieve such data from a different system.  And that system could be 
located in YOUR department under your lock and key (literally and 

Might be worth looking at.  And with server appliances and Linux as 
inexpensive as they are these days, it almost petty cash for a department.

Good luck - let us know?

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