[nycphp-talk] Working with openssl

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Thu Aug 17 14:22:08 EDT 2006

There were some mistakes on pages 95, 96, and 98, described in the 
errata at 
Chris tells me that you do have updated code, however, so the 
previous is more in the nature of a general reminder to everybody 
than a possible solution for you, alas.

At 01:20 PM 8/17/2006, you wrote:

> >>
> >>OpenSSL Demo
> >>
> >>Form testing page (passphrase is 'Encryption is fun for everyone')
> >>
> >>
> >>Here is the actual code:
> >>OpenSSL class
> >>
> >>Demo code
> >>
> >>Form page for testing
> >>
> >>
>csnyder wrote:
> > Hi Aaron --
> >
> > Nothing jumps out immediately, but to help debug the problem you
> > should probably try with an unecrypted private key at first.
> > openssl_get_privatekey() returns that invalid key error if it can't
> > decypt the key for some reason.
> >
>Hi Chris,
>I removed passphrase from the demo class calls and the test form.  Upon
>testing it produced the same error:
>Warning: openssl_private_decrypt() [function.openssl-private-decrypt]:
>key parameter is not a valid private key in
>/home/a/adm1a/openSSL/openSSL.php on line 119
>Warning: openssl_free_key() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null
>given in /home/a/adm1a/openSSL/openSSL.php on line 122
>Testing OpenSSL
>It doesn't like my key, I'm not sure why.  This time around I ran the
>key and encrypted text through a text editor before entering in the form
>to make sure there weren't any invisible characters it was picking up.
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Michael Southwell, Vice President for Education
New York PHP - In-depth PHP Training Courses 

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