[nycphp-talk] Drag Drop Uploads & Progress Bars

Jeff Loiselle jeff.loiselle at
Mon Aug 21 21:56:57 EDT 2006

I'm been developing PHP too long. I think I'm starting to become
jealous of Java. No I'm just kidding, however...

Anyone have any good luck/package recommendations for integrating a
Java drag & drop w/progress bar within a PHP application. My trouble
is that I need to be able to upload, then add database rows to relate
the files to database records.

I am trying to build a document management systems for Word files,
PDFs, Powerpoint, etc. My client requires upload progress notification
and would like to have d&d if possible.

Also, if anyone knows of a good package to integrate, that I don't
have to write, I'll take those comments as well :-)

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Jeff Loiselle
Web Developer, Musician, and Observer

""A man is what he thinks about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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