[nycphp-talk] freeing sql results

jface at jface at
Tue Dec 5 20:39:43 EST 2006

I have a very complex app I've been working on currently at about three thousand lines of code. All of a sudden it started spitting out the following warning:

Warning: Unknown: 2 result set(s) not freed. Use mysql_free_result to free result sets which were requested using mysql_query() in Unknown on line 0

So I went through it line-by-line and added a mysql_free_result() after EVERY query, to no avail.

The worst thing about this error is that it doesn't give me a valid line number, so it's impossible to tell exactly where the bad queries are.

This is occurring on a php5/mysql5/apache setup.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm out of ideas.


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