[nycphp-talk] BC Date Recording

Kenneth Downs ken at
Thu Dec 7 11:56:32 EST 2006

tedd wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 11:06:27AM -0500, Phil Duffy wrote:
>>  I understand that MySQL does not have the ability to store B.C. 
>> dates, but
>>  that PostgreSQL does.
> Considering the history of calendars, I wonder how they did that?
> It's one thing to estimate that 2000 years ago was 0006 -- but, it's a 
> completely different thing to claim that 2000 years ago today was 
> December 7, 0006.
> Cheers,
> tedd
One of Joe Celko's books gives  a pretty thorough run-down of the 
variations that have to be accommodated, including such things as the 
days that happened more than once and the days that never happened, and 
so forth.

Compared to what's happened in AD-land, the BC stuff is easy :)
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