[nycphp-talk] Zend IDE problems and the Apple MACs as develoment platforms

Khalid Hanif phplists at
Wed Dec 13 11:08:06 EST 2006

Hi Cliff,

I have been using Zend IDE for a few years now on OS X on a  
powerbook, and more recently, a Mac Pro and a Macbook Pro. On the Mac  
Pro, the IDE is lightning fast (as one would expect). On the 2ghz  
Intel Core Duo Macbook Pro, the IDE is a delight to work with, and no  
noticeable problems. I have 1gb Ram, and usually have Mail, Firefox,  
iTunes, Transmit (FTP), Adium (MSN Chat) and a few other small  
programs running alongside it. Zend is also saving/opening files over  
an NFS mount on a local network.

Java support on the Apple Mac is a lot better / faster in my  
experience over windows.


On 13 Dec 2006, at 15:43, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> After this flurry of ZEND IDE problems, my laptop’s 10 minute  
> battery life, 256M of RAM, overheating, etc., I’m thinking it’s  
> finally time to get a new laptop. And I’m thinking of bailing  
> Windows to get a Macbook pro or just a regular macbook.
> Is anyone using Zend on an Intel-based Macbook? Any problems? Good  
> development environment? Any comments regarding the Macbook vs  
> Mackbook pro?
> Chanukah is only two days away…
> Cliff
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