[nycphp-talk] Help with a basic mod_rewrite issue?

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Dec 15 17:35:18 EST 2006

I'm guessing that this must be a common trick, but googling it did not 
come up with an example that I could figure out.

Basically I'd like to put a link to what looks like an MP3 file, but 
which is redirected to a script.  The script determines if the person is 
subscribed to that particular issue. If they are, it does a readfile(), 
otherwise it does not.

I cannot do a simple force of mp3 files to be handled by PHP, or at 
least I don't want to, because then I would need a file for every mp3, 
and as the list comes out of a database, this would be troublesome.

The basic problem I have is, not being familiar with mod_rewrite, I find 
myself in the endless maze that everybody warns you about, fiddling 
around and smashing fists on the table wondering why the simplest 
!)(#(*#@ expression won't work.

What I'm looking for is for a URL like this:

to become:

Can anybody give me a clue here?  Thanks.
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