[nycphp-talk] Editable Select Box

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Dec 20 08:13:09 EST 2006

Brian Dailey wrote:
> You will want your web app to be able to handle unexpected values 
> anyway, right? 

That is a case-by-case thing.  In our applications a foreign key is 
always presented as a drop-down when it is editable, and a drop-down 
always means a foreign key. 

In 99% of cases foreign keys are normal, meaning only values in the 
parent table are allowed, and we would want the box to only accept 
those.  Sometimes we are more interested in what people type, in which 
case we allow non-existent values and then auto-insert them into the 
parent table when they are inserted into the child table.

> The web-developer extension on Firefox allows you to "Make select 
> fields editable" so you can test your application with unruly values.
> edward potter wrote:
>> ouch, the purist would probably cringe - allows the user to change a
>> drop down.  on the other hand it is kinda of cool. it sounds like you
>> are looking for an ajax solution.
>> Things to google:
>> ajax drop down type ahead
>> :-)  ed
>> On 12/19/06, Kenneth Downs <ken at> wrote:
>>> Hi folks, I'm wondering if anybody has seen a particular kind of 
>>> control
>>> I need.
>>> It's called many things, but "editable Select box" seems to be a common
>>> term.  One example that is close to what I want is here:
>>> The trouble I'm running into is that none of the example out there seem
>>> to do quite what I want.  If somebody has seen or used one that does 
>>> the
>>> following, any links would be hugely appreciated:
>>> 1)  Allows entry of a value not in the box (optionally turn this on 
>>> or off)
>>> 2)  While user is typing, the drop-down list scrolls to the best 
>>> current
>>> match
>>> 3)  Hitting "enter" or "tab" or whatever with a partial entry picks the
>>> best current match
>>> Anybody seen this?
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