[nycphp-talk] PHP -MySQL free hosting

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Dec 20 19:51:02 EST 2006

edward potter |nyphp dev/internal group use| 

> hmmmmm, that's kinda of clever.
> I wonder how much they bring in daily. If it's a lot, seems to me most
> folks on this list could cook something up like that.  Get yourself a
> dedicated Linux box somewhere,  download a "control panel" thing from
> sourceforge, and you are in business.  But are they bringing in like
> $5 bucks a day or $500?  who knows?  :-)
> Your total over head is pretty low, and can use the marketing
> materials from your host provider (rackspace, etc).  I suspect that
> clicks on the google ad's in the control panel may be valued much
> higher then ones on a home page -- you are targeting system admin
> types.
> - ed

There is so much pharmacy spam on that domain I can't tell if it is 
owned by people who are "clients" of or puts it up 
there. Either way, any web site hosted on will be 
"associated" with some of the most prolific search engine spam on the 
planet. If that's ok with you, then I suppose it's "free".

-=john andrews

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