[nycphp-talk] Re: Automatically Print Pages

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Dec 20 19:54:25 EST 2006

Joseph Crawford |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> THe current situation is this.
> We use PHP for the warehouse tools section of the site.  THe tools are 
> hosted on a server at Rackspace that is also connected via VPN to our 
> local network.  We are trying to figure out how to do one of 2 things.
> 1.) have the files print locally on the workstations (Windows XP, 
> IE).  We actually thought of the batch file but that would cause ALL 
> PDF to be sent to the batch file and we wouldnt want that.
> 2.) Have the server at rackspace send the lpr command to push the file 
> to the shared printer using lpr.
> #2 is the way i am thinking of going.  On the form there would be a 
> textbox that says Printer Name, they would scan a barcode that would 
> inject the printers shared name.  lpr would send the command to that 
> shared printer.
> The question is how do i know if the linux server at rackspace is 
> actually seeing the shared printers in-house here.
> Thanks,
> Joseph Crawford

I'd look at a mail-based solution (procmail?) for this. That might just 
be me.

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