[nycphp-talk] windows 2003 server, php.ini, exchange server & mail ?

Adrian Noland anoland at
Sun Dec 24 16:53:24 EST 2006

I'm guessing each site has it's own include_dir?
phpmailer class lets you specify a host name. I use this because I was unable
to get a Free mail server on my testbed.

--- Christopher Grimaldi <splungent at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a dedicated server(win 2003.  I have full admin
> control.  This server hosts multiple domains. The
> email is served by an exchange server. The sites are
> served by iis 6. I am currently using php 4. My
> question has to do with mail functions. In the php.ini
> file there is a section to specify the mail
> information:
> {from php.ini}
> Mail Functions
> smtp_port "25"
> sendmail_from somebody at
> sendmail_path ; not used on windows
> {end php.ini}
> The problem is, how can I get the php mail functions
> to use the smtp from each domain where a message board
> or other software wishes to send mail? Right now no
> matter which domain sends mail it comes from the
> domain named in the php.ini file. Windows (IIS) only
> lets me use one php.ini file for the server (as far as
> I know) If I was using apache I could use multiple
> php.ini files for each domain and set the mail
> function information to each respective server.
> Unfortunately, due to the business arrangement I have,
> I have to use IIS. I have searched all over the
> internet and have come up dry. Is this even possible
> with my current configuration?  Any advice or help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Chris

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