[nycphp-talk] Holiday Greetings to Everyone...

mikesz at mikesz at
Tue Dec 26 09:35:37 EST 2006

Hello, I am trying to research an issue about PHP_SELF and was wondering 
if anyone knew the currently status of this exploit. I read a 
description of the exploit that was a couple of years old but can not 
find any "current" status of the bug, even on the bug tracking. 
The report I read concluded with a note at the bottom of the text that 
said something like the good news is that the fix is in CVS but he never 
said what the resolution was. I have checked many security sources and 
have not been able to find any more information about it.

The author of the document that explained the exploit had a "working" 
example of how the exploit worked but when I tried to reproduce it, 
nothing! I had to assume that bug has been fixed and write that in my 
own article about the exploit but I stuck to find any current status on 
it. Any one know about this bug?

thanks in advance, mikesz

The post I found was a blog entry from May 2005 ...

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