[nycphp-talk] session variables: seven deadly sins

Adrian Noland anoland at
Thu Dec 28 11:09:14 EST 2006

I just signed up on this list and I'm really enjoying your discourse.

>     When I develop my own applications,  I use cookies for 
> personalization and caching.  I use the authentication system described in
>     this mechanism can carry a "session id",  which in turn can be used 
> a key against application state stored in a relational database.  

In regards to slides 29 and 30, can you elaborate and give a more detailed
example what they are trying to say?  Are they saying that the session key
should contain a hash of the data? Or does the hash become the "salt" in
crypting the data? Finally, how does doing that make it easier to prevent
circumvention and forgeability.

Thank you.

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