[nycphp-talk] Re: PHP_SELF problems

Michael Sims jellicle at
Fri Dec 29 14:36:56 EST 2006

On Friday 29 December 2006 2:00 pm, Dan Cech wrote:

> Yes, If you want the full filename (including filesystem path) __FILE__
> is indispensable, and basename(__FILE__) is the best way to get the name
> of the currently running script.
> The problem comes when you're attempting to construct the correct
> absolute URL for a given file.  When running php as a cgi there doesn't
> seem to be a method of achieving this securely, as in this setup
> $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] will contain the php interpreter, like
> '/php-cgi'.
> Bottom line is that if your script will be run under php-cgi you must
> not use SCRIPT_NAME, so we're back to square one.

There's a solution for that (two solutions in fact, either a php.ini setting 
or a different variable):

So I suppose the canonical solution would be something like:

$thispage = (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'])) ? 

How's that?  That should work anywhere, right?

(Disclaimer: I never use PHP as a cgi script and can't test this.)

Michael Sims

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