[nycphp-talk] upload error

aaron aaron at
Wed Feb 8 17:13:56 EST 2006

I just noticed that some jpg files will get uploaded, but others won't. 
I'm not sure what the difference is yet.

edward potter wrote:

>hmmm, have not used IE on a Mac for ages, however what I usually do is
>to check the log files on the server, usually something helpful
>-ed :-)
>On 2/8/06, aaron <aaron at> wrote:
>>I'm having some trouble running an upload form on Mac OS X, IE 5.2
>>My servers are windows IIS, running php 4.3.   The form works fine for
>>Mac Safari, and IE/Mozilla on windows 2000, so I'm not sure what the
>>difference is. I just check for the ',jpg' extension, and _FILE error
>>code =0  then use move_uploaded_file.  On the Mac/Safari test, it
>>doesn't return an error, but shows 0 for file size.
>>(I used the same image for Mac/PC tests so I know it goes through on the pc)
>>Any ideas?
>>Aaron D.
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