[nycphp-talk] importing 650,000 records

Jonathan hendler at
Mon Jan 2 10:10:20 EST 2006

This import happens once?
While a direct MySQL solution will be more reliable and faster - 
wouldn't using prepared statements through PHP/ADODB speed up the import?
More importantly, I agree you shouldn't have any indexes until after the 
import is complete. An index slows down inserts increasingly as the size 
of the DB increases.

michael wrote:

>On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:51:02 -0500
>Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:
>>Hey everyone.
>>I have a client who has a comma delimited file each line being a new
>>record. currently i am trying to import this data into their new
>>system.  The file is 40mb in size and contains 650,000 records.
>Why use php?  Just use mysql to import the file.

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