[nycphp-talk] Saving variable value

Amir Aavani amir.aavani at
Tue Jan 10 01:28:52 EST 2006

Hi Hans ,

Can I store the an object(class) in a session?
I though session's can only hold string values!
or you mean I have to add ToString and LoadFromString function to my class.

>There are, and they are called sessions, but it's likely not what you need
>for this particular case.  You could, however, use a session to store the
>currently viewed file of data, and then change the session as needed to
>display other types of data.
Also, Is it  a good idea that php parse every .php file. why not
generating something smaller and simpler to be parsed, for example
generating a .php.parsed file ( which is a binary file instead of
textile) for every .php, in which  "for" strings replaced with code "1",
"while" replaced with "2" and ... , something like Java bytecodes. I
think this may be result in faster execution. It may be usefully if you
don't want the web-host to use or change your codes.

Why not using a multi thread application, a main thread which accepts
requests from apache and this thread itself create new threads for every
new request and can share its variables to these thread?
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