[nycphp-talk] An Email Architecture Puzzle

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Jan 13 14:18:07 EST 2006

OK, here's a brain teaser.  I've got my own answer in mind for this, but
I'd be really curious to see if anyone else has any ideas.

The problem is simple:  All emails flowing through a certain domain must
be tracked and associated with a job in a database.  The following rules

1) Must not require re-inventing an SMTP server, or any C coding in an
existing SMTP server.  By the same token we don't want to re-invent
webmail and force everyone to use it.  Solution must be in pure PHP,
though may use any plug-in or extension system that an SMTP server
provides that allows coding in PHP.

2) Must require minimal if not zero change in habits for users.  For
instace, requiring users to put complicated codes into their emails won't
work because people won't do it.

3) Some kind of pool of un-matchable emails should be available to an
admin who then matches them to jobs.

4) Every email should slot into a job, and replies should be sortable into
threads by UI software.

So how would you do that?

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software
ken at
PO Box 708
East Setauket, NY 11733

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