[nycphp-talk] Favorite PHP Shopping cart suggestions

edward potter edwardpotter at
Fri Jan 13 16:19:19 EST 2006

hmmm, put my first "shop online"  in '95.  It was perl.  Later moved
to CF (yipes), then php.  Last client, I just set up  oscommerce,
pretty much worked out of the box.  Not the prettiest, but the client
is making his $'s.  Hate to say it, but ecommerce can get pretty
boring pretty quickly. Did a Zen install the other day, a real
no-brainer to setup.

A new one here, really barebones:
"f you are looking for a simple set of PHP scripts to get a jump start
on your next shopping cart project, hopefully you'll find Couffin

I was thinking of doing something like this in Ruby, been in PHP land
for so long, ready to play a bit with a new language.

thanks, ed  :-)

On 1/13/06, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
> What PHP shopping cart would you recommend? I need a cart where I can
> heavily customize the presentation layer, payment methodology and
> fulfillment methodology (that about covers it all!). One that either
> provides rich back-end functionality or has good hooks into a back-end
> system would be nice too.
> I'm torn between OSCommerce and the OSCommerce fork Zen Cart. Comments?
> Suggestions? Other carts I should look at?
> Cliff
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