[nycphp-talk] Question Using If's and Possible Arrays

cliff cliff at
Tue Jan 17 21:25:08 EST 2006

What level of error reporting did you use - E_ALL? I believe using an index 
that does not exist generates an e-notice warning.

I also often use false as a return value. If a valid return isn't an array, 
just remember that null, and the # 0, also evaluate as false. The safest bet 
is to use === to match the type.

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:48:04 -0500, IAlsoAgree wrote
> Meh... me and lazyness. Actually I've been working on my first big
> project with PHP and I'm still caught up in the functions I'm writing.
> For anyone who is interested, I tested the following code:
>  function returnfalse()
>   {
>    return false;
>   }
>  function returntrue()
>   {
>    return true;
>   }
>   $i = returntrue();
>   if ($i['private'])
>     {
>      echo ("<p>As true statement returns true.</p>");
>     }
>    else
>     {
>      echo ("<p>As true statement returns false.</p>");
>     }
>   if ($i)
>     {
>      echo ("<p>As true statement returns true.</p>");
>     }
>    else
>     {
>      echo ("<p>As true statement returns false.</p>");
>     }
>   $i = returnfalse();
>   if ($i['private'])
>     {
>      echo ("<p>Statment returned as true.</p>");
>     }
>    else
>     {
>      echo ("<p>Statment returned as false.</p>");
>     }
>   if ($i)
>     {
>      echo ("<p>Statement returned as true.</p>");
>     }
>    else
>     {
>      echo ("<p>Statement returned as false.</p>");
>     }
> The script returned (as expected):
> As true statement returns false.
> As true statement returns true.
> Statment returned as false.
> Statement returned as false.
> -Joe
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Daniel Convissor <danielc at>
> Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:36 pm
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Question Using If's and Possible Arrays
> > Joe:
> > 
> > On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 08:20:03PM -0500, IAlsoAgree at 
> > wrote:> function callfunction()
> > >  {
> > >   return false;
> > >  }
> > >
> > > $variable = callfunction()
> > > 
> > > if ($variable['alias'])
> > 
> > You made a nearly perfect test case.  Why don't you run it and see 
> > what 
> > happens?  You'd have your answer already.
> > 
> > --Dan
> > 
> > PS:  You'll find that you need to check for "if ($variable)" first.
> > 
> > -- 
> > T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
> >            data intensive web and database programming
> >      
> > 4015 7th Ave #4, Brooklyn NY 11232  v: 718-854-0335 f: 718-854-0409
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