[nycphp-talk] Fault tolerant server architecture

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Thu Jan 19 11:40:04 EST 2006

Ahhhh yes, I wish there was an AA for people who were victims of the  
"if you are serious you need to use Oracle" trap.  :-)

On Jan 19, 2006, at 11:11 AM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> Ok, so this may be a bit off topic, but I am trying to determine a  
> cost
> effective architecture for a classic PHP/MySQL site that is fault
> tolerant and can scale-out if needed.
> At one extreme I view the minimum configuration as a simple dedicated
> server.
> But being a bit paranoid, at the other extreme, I have been getting
> quotes for a configuration that uses a Firewall, load balancer, two  
> web
> servers, and two database servers (one master, one slave for backups).
> Of course with additional backups (local & offsite), RAID, hot swap
> power supplies, etc. I skipped the armed guards, tasers, and off  
> planet
> options. And so far, I am ignoring the people that are telling me that
> if I want to be really serious, I should use Oracle, not MySQL.
> If I could stick this in my basement, the price wouldn't even be so  
> bad.
> But that's not realistic. With a managed service provider, the  
> charge is
> thousands per month. With co-location -- don't know. Haven't priced it
> and then I need a sysadmin anyway. Co-lo isn't cheap either.
> I would be funding this out of my own pocket. Am I nuts? What are  
> other
> people doing to ensure availability at a reasonable price point?
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