[nycphp-talk] Fault tolerant server architecture

Jonathan hendler at
Thu Jan 19 12:53:53 EST 2006

I use a VPS with
I have about 20 domains running. It's great in theory, and you can 
easily migrate to real hardware if needed.
It is slower than shared hosting I've found though. CPU cycles are 
shared, and if you've ever run 4 or 5 OSs in Virtual PC or VMWare you 
know it gets kinda slow.
Otherwise I'd recommend it. Obviously there's tape backups, and I do 
rsync/scp/tar to a local machine once every couple of days.

Cliff Hirsch wrote:

>Interesting. I wonder how secure VPS is. Does it truly eliminate the
>problems related to share hosting, like session access, etc.? And
>interesting that they use RAID 1, not RAID 5.
>-----Original Message-----
>If I were you, I'd start out with a virtual root system with a  
>hosting company that can scale you up quickly (within days), to  
>bigger and better hardware.  I've had my eye on these guys for a  
>while: although (and nearly  
>everyone else for that matter) is offering VPS.
>At least with this option you can get your idea up and running, even  
>paying for multiple vps accounts and running them as distributed  
>servers, or database master/slave machines, or reverse proxy servers,  
>etc.. and not kill yourself with financing it all.
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