[nycphp-talk] apache basic auth

michael lists at
Mon Jan 23 20:57:06 EST 2006

I've read the apache docs and googled for this but I can't seem to find
a definitive answer.  Can you run basic auth in nested directories?  Or
does it inherit auth from above?

Say I have restrictions on the whole site with Tom, Dick, Harry, and
Jane in the 'normal' group file.  I then have a directory (called
secret) in that site that I only want members of the group 'secret'
to be allowed: Tom, Dick, and Harry (no Jane).

        DocumentRoot    /path/to/root/directory/

	# restrict whole site
        <Directory "/path/to/root/directory">
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "site restricted"
                AuthUserFile /path/to/password/file
                AuthGroupFile /path/to/group/file
                Require group normal

	# restrict super secret directory
        Alias /secret/   "/path/to/root/directory/deep/secret/"
        <Directory "/path/to/root/directory/deep/secret">
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "super secret"
                AuthUserFile /path/to/password/file
                AuthGroupFile /path/to/group/file
                Require group secret

I have something similar to this set up.  When I point my browser at I get prompted.  I logon as Jane and can
see the site.  I then go into the /secret/ directory and I do NOT get
prompted again!  Unless I'm missing something, it looks like nested
auth does not work.

I've tried closing the browser and reopening the browser to clear
authentication remnants.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is there another
way to do what I'm trying to do?   

I am aware basic auth is not secure, but, I want to get this basic
concept to work first.  Then I will use encryption. 



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