[nycphp-talk] LARGE mysql database performance

max goldberg max.goldberg at
Tue Jan 31 22:52:47 EST 2006

Using MySQL as a file server on a large scale is just asking for problems.
I've never heard of it executed well for large numbers of files and it's not
really fit to handle it either.  You don't need to store all the files in
one directory and in reality you shouldn't. There was an informative thread
on NYPHP tittled "[OT] number of files in a directory?" which describes the
hurdles involved with this.

Using InnoDB you should probably be fine, and you will most likely hit 10
million rows of time stamp, camera id, file name before you even see your db
get to 1GB. MySQL is built well enough to handle many GB of data and
hundreds of millions of rows. If you need any sort of concurrency, you are
almost forced to go with InnoDB.

Either way, this is all well within the capabilities of MySQL.


On 1/31/06, tedd <tedd at> wrote:
> >Keep the images on the filesystem - out of a BLOB record.
> Why?
> >Map the filesystem, meta data and other stuff into the database.
> Isn't there a limit to the number of files that can reside in one
> directory? If so, then how do you handle managing what is mapped
> where?
> tedd
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