[nycphp-talk] LARGE mysql database performance

Rolan Yang rolan at
Tue Jan 31 23:49:45 EST 2006

Keith Richardson wrote:
> So I am writing a "security camera" app at work, and using mysql/php. 
> I have the cameras uploading snapshots via ftp to the server.
> Now for dealing with the images, and indexing them for easy searching, 
> I want to throw the info into a mysql database. I wouldnt mind also 
> sticking the image data in the table too, so that you HAD to go 
> through the app to view the images instead of direct url linking, but 
> was wondering, how does mysql react with a 20-30gb database? would 
> this be very bad? I have run a forum that used vbulletin with about a 
> 500mb database, but that did not have any issues at all.... but 
> 20-30gb is quite the large database :p
I don't think there will be a problem with only 20-30GB, however if you 
want to plan for the future, saving the images as files on the 
filesystem is probably better approach since there is a 2 TB filesize 
limit under ext2/ext3. You should organize the files into some sort of 
nested directory tree. For ideas, examine the structure of the Postfix 
(mail server) queue.


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