[nycphp-talk] PHP COM class

Max Gribov max at
Wed Jul 5 11:58:13 EDT 2006

Well, reading is actually cooler than it sounds.
Apparently, that class is only for Windows platform, according to manual

Does anyone know about similar things for *nix?

Namely, I am trying to read Excel files (I can write them very well 
thanks to the PEAR class), and I found an Excel reader, but for some 
reason I get syntax errors in its code include file, etc. is the one I was trying 
to use, but it doesnt work. Other things on google involve paying for 
it, hence my interest in COM class.

Max Gribov wrote:
> Hello all,
> For some reason I cannot use the COM class in PHP.
> I just installed fresh 5.1.4 version, and when I do:
> $excel_app = new COM("Excel.application") or die ("did not connect to COM");
> I simply get an error saying Class COM not found.
> According to that class is bundled in with the distro, and that 
> is the correct syntax to access it, what gives?..
> Anyone had any problem with this?
> Thanks!
> max
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