[nycphp-talk] Book recommendations - security, object-oriented programming

Max Gribov max at
Thu Jul 6 11:18:50 EDT 2006

"The object oriented thought process" by Matt Weisfeld is a good guide 
to OOP in general.
Most examples are in Java, but the theory applies anywhere

Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm working on a project that has me thinking about purchasing one or 
> two books.  The topics I'm interested in are:
> 1.  Security.  Discussion of practices for password storage and 
> retrieval.  Transmission of data in a secure manner, e.g. encrypted, 
> https, certificates, etc.  Also methods of cleaning/filtering/scrubbing 
> data received from web forms.
> 2.  Getting up and running with object-oriented programming in PHP.
> Detail:
> 1.  The project I am working on will allow users to create accounts.  I 
> need to think about the best way to store their passwords and allow them 
> to retrieve if lost, change if they so desire, etc.  As the information 
> is somewhat sensitive there is a possibility I will need to be passing 
> it via https vs. http.  Scrubbing and filtering the data to make sure 
> nobody is intentionally or accidentally messing with my application.
> 2.  To date I have been working primarily with procedural programming 
> techniques.  I am considering the benefits of object-oriented code for 
> this project.  Ideally the book would include a discussion of benefits 
> of using object-oriented code.
> Thanks,
> -Aaron
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