[nycphp-talk] Joomla presentation this month

edward potter edwardpotter at
Fri Jul 14 14:23:27 EDT 2006


Comparison to Drupal? It seems to be on a roll. Also, may it be an
option to "roll your own"?  All these mega packages seems to be over
kill for me.

I would LOVE to see a Wordpress Lite, A Drupal Lite, A Joomal Lite,
osCommerce Lite, MediaWiki Lite.  On editing the mother package, I
have to wade through 100's (if not thousands) of line of code to add a
feature I'd like to see.

These applications seem to be for those that have little or no php
experience, but if you are a php hacker, it would be great to just
pull components from each package, like some monster library, and
create a new hybrid? Is anyone thinking along those lines?

Thinking it would be great to "mate", and combine all the good pieces into one.

Just another crazy idea.

thanks, ed :-)

On 7/14/06, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:
> Hi gang,
> Apologies for the cross-post, however I wanted to make sure I got to
> as many of you as possible.
> I'm preparing the presentation and would like to know:
>     Just what exactly do you want to learn from this presentation?
> Feel free to spout off whatever you are looking for, as I can tailor
> the presentation. This time I hope to only put two or three of you to
> sleep, as opposed to the four of you when I presented Mambo last year.
>  :-)
> I'm expecting a mix of technical/non-technical in the audience, so it
> would be great if I could better target the information that you are
> hoping me to cover. Let 'em rip!
> -- Mitch
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