[nycphp-talk] Use php to check for ssl/https support in apache

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jul 14 21:53:03 EDT 2006

This may sound like a dumb question but wouldn't a test for a  
specific certificate file somehow be a better sign that SSL is setup?

Like attaching a check, if (file_exists('/some/path/cert.pem')) header 
("Location: https://secure/path/");


- Jon

On Jul 14, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Rolan Yang wrote:

> Here are 2 ways to do it without resorting to fopen.. Only applies if
> your https is on the same server. The first is cleaner than the  
> second,
> but neither are guaranteed to work. Use at your own risk.
> function check_https() {
>         ob_start();
>         phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL);
>         $phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
>         ob_end_clean();
>         $s=strpos($phpinfo,'Registered PHP Streams');
>         $e=strpos($phpinfo,"\n",$s);
>         if (strstr(substr($phpinfo,$s,$e-$s),'https')) {
>                 return TRUE;
>         }
>         else {
>                 return FALSE;
>         }
> }
> function check_https2() {
>         ob_start();
>         phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL);
>         $test=strstr(ob_get_contents(),'https');
>         ob_end_clean();
>         if ($test) { return TRUE;}
>         else {return FALSE;}
> }
> ~Rolan
> Rob Marscher wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've done a bit of searching and haven't been able to find if  
>> there's a
>> means that php running on apache can determine if apache supports
>> ssl/https connections.  It would be nice my app to force an https
>> connection on certain pages if it is available.  Otherwise I'll  
>> have to
>> do it with a manual config switch.
>> Running apache_get_modules() and checking for mod_ssl seems like an
>> option... but doesn't work on PHP 4.4.2 w/ Apache 1.3 which a lot of
>> production servers still use.  Any other ideas?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Rob
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