[nycphp-talk] OT (Slightly) Help with PHP/JavaScript Error Resolution?

edward potter edwardpotter at
Mon Jul 31 15:20:33 EDT 2006

+100,000 answers to that on google.  :-)

"The most common cause of getElementById having no properties is when
you try to access the properties before the page finishes loading."

-ed  :-)

On 7/31/06, R. Mariotti <r.mariotti at> wrote:
> Sorry - I know this is most likely a js issue but it seems to be
> occurring in only ONE of my PHP programs so I thought I would ask here
> because of the VAST amount of insight and expertise available...
> I am trying desperately to incorporate a free js routine that hides a
> DIV and then redisplays it when asked using DHTML. (too, too many
> technologies!!!)
> This is a canned routine included with a <script src...> statement in
> the appropriate place.  When I try to run the program my js console
> shows the following error ONLY in this ONE PHP program.  SO, what might
> I be doing within this program to cause this js error? (rhetorical)
> Can someone perhaps "explain" what this error is trying to tell me and
> how my PHP program can cause it???
> Error: document.getElementById("Div" + count) has no properties
> Source File:
> Line: 320
> Any assistance, pointers, redirection, etc will be G-R-E-A-T-L-Y
> appreciated!
> Thank you,
> Bob
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