[nycphp-talk] Static variables, self:: and abstract classes

Jeff Knight jeff.knight at
Tue Jun 6 10:48:31 EDT 2006

I feel your pain....

On 6/6/06, Andrew Kamm <akamm at> wrote:
> Hello all -- I've coded a set of classes that inherit from an abstract
> class. To my dismay, I've realized after charting and coding everything out
> that my class hierarchy may be of no use because of how PHP handles
> inheritance of variables/methods when extending a class.
> In short, when a method is declared in the parent class and uses
> "self::$whatever", when calling the method from a child class the "whatever"
> portion always references the parent value of "whatever."
> I've come to grips with this being just the way it is, but does anyone have
> a solution that will prevent me from cutting and pasting all the methods
> from my parent class into the child class (effectively killing the point of
> the inheritance)?
> In addition, is there any logical reason for the language to operate this
> way? I found it reported as a bug on the PHP site, but I believe the final
> result/response was that it's not a bug, but intentional. I don't know Java
> or C, so I have no frame of reference, but it seems kind of weird to me.
> Example:
> *****************************************
> abstract class ParentClass {
>     protected static $myVar = "parent var!";
>     function printVar() {
>         echo self::$myVar;
>     }
> }
> class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
>     protected static $myVar = "child var!";
> }
> ChildClass::printVar();  //displays "parent var!"
> *****************************************
> thanks in advance!
> --
> Andrew Kamm
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