[nycphp-talk] Static variables, self:: and abstract classes

edward potter edwardpotter at
Wed Jun 7 11:42:24 EDT 2006

So, JUST FOR FUN!  how would you do it with no objects? (I just
finished my grad work, a professor could pull that one on you).  :-)

On 6/7/06, Andrew Kamm <akamm at> wrote:
> >just one question had crossed my mind right now...
> >
> >why did u had declared the variable as static?
> The idea was to have an abstract parent class for customer preferences since
> most preference classes would basically share the same code.  The static
> vars (or constants) that were to be stored in the individual classes were
> properties that differentiate how the child classes would interact with the
> database (among other things).
> Some of the methods within the classes were not object-specific, but rather
> class-specific operations (like a getList() method to get a an array of
> options for a specific type of preference (class) rather than something
> related to an actual object instance).
> For example: customerPreference has child class 'beds' which can be
> referenced statically for information about 'beds' in general or you could
> instantiate a 'beds' object that refers to '2-bedroom' or '4-bedroom', etc.
> Some of the vars I was attempting to store as static (or as constants) were
> things like "tableName", "linkTableName", "isMult", etc.
> thanks-
> --
> Andrew Kamm
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