[nycphp-talk] Why the light has gone out on LAMP

Ophir Prusak prusak at
Wed Jun 7 15:57:19 EDT 2006

I agree with Chris that writing a response is not necessary.

While I don't really agree with his "solution" - don't use PHP / MySQL
I do agree that:

- PHP has lowered the entry barrier into the realm of computer programming.
- Many of the people who write programs in PHP don't take the time to
learn computer science fundamentals (and it shows in their code).

I have an old blog entry that goes into more detail about this:

But to the point - An analogy I like to use is Digital Video.
Today's tools and technologies allows anyone to make their own "movies".
Of course this means that we have more people making movies that are
junk, but that doesn't mean everyone should be using 35mm ( )

Ophir Prusak

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