[nycphp-talk] Bnner Rotation

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Mon Mar 6 14:11:47 EST 2006

At 01:32 PM 3/6/2006, you wrote:

>Well this is how it should work. However I'm not too sure how to 
>come up with an algorithm that will perform the hourly rotations.
>I usually try to solve all my problems myself, but this time I have 
>2 other deadlines by the end of today, I have a flu and this thing 
>must be ready by Wednesday morning.
>The stress and the sickness screw with my head and I can't come up 
>with any logical solutions.

Every hour create a working array of display banners, where each 
banner id is entered weight times; then select the ones to be 
displayed that hour randomly from that array (checking to make sure 
that you don't accidentally select two or three the same).

>Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated!
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Michael Southwell, Vice President for Education
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