[nycphp-talk] Bnner Rotation

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Mon Mar 6 16:20:32 EST 2006

I'm very pleased to also endorse using phpAdsNew as it is a really fine
product with excellent graphical interfaces for administering banner ads and
campaigns allowing: 
- multiple ad locations on each of your web pages, 
- ad weighting, 
- hit counting, 
...and on an on. 
Note, though, that despite the well-planned install and setup, it has a lot
of pretty necessary documentation. 

It will take, me thinks, at least a full day to install, familiarize, and
integrate with php code. But once done, you are quite made. 

Warmest regards,

Peter Sawczynec,
Technology Director
_Design & Interface
_Database Management
ps at

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Odra Gola
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 1:32 PM
To: talk at
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Bnner Rotation

This is a logic issue and may be considered Off-Topic, but since I'm using
PHP for this project and I know this list is full of very smart people,
there is no better place to ask for help.

I have a page where three *different* banners ads should be displayed. I
have a pool of tens of banner ads from which the 3 banners should be picked.
Each banner in the pool has a *weight* value which indicates how often a
banner should be displayed relatively to other banners within a period of
one month  (i.e. a banner with weight = 2 should be displayed twice as often
as a banner with weight = 1).
The set of three banners to be displayed should be rotated every hour (cron
job). The amount of impressions is not important.  The banners in the pool
and their weight values will be changed manually every month.

Well this is how it should work. However I'm not too sure how to come up
with an algorithm that will perform the hourly rotations.
I usually try to solve all my problems myself, but this time I have 2 other
deadlines by the end of today, I have a flu and this thing must be ready by
Wednesday morning.
The stress and the sickness screw with my head and I can't come up with any
logical solutions.

Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated!

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